Fallen to the Field of Honor
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CARETTE Roger , 3286, Pvt - August, 9, 1944 in La Chartre-sur-le-Loir (France)
Parachuted behind the enemy lines in Normandy on July 30, 1944, made proof in all the operations of a real courage. In the night 9-10 August , in La Chartre-sur-le-Loir, seeing his Troop surprised by a German patrol, goes resolutely towards the enemy and opens fire, killing the nearest ennemy; reached by a bullet in the heart, he falls itself mortally wounded; by his prompt intervention, and his bravery, he has permitted his comrades to be formed for the attack and to destroy the enemy until the last. |
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LIMBOSCH Freddy, 10413, Lt - September, 8, 1944 in Peer (Belgium)
Officer of an exceptional merit. Already awarded on the Day Orders for his participation in the operations in Normandy. Hardly returned to England after his operations in France, he went again on September 5 to be parachuted in Belgian Limbourg with a combat group, behind the enemy lines. Of a common courage and a physical energy, he led his men to the harassing of the enemy. September 8, noting that the enemy made go up in line powerful reinforcements, he decided to inform the Allied Command. He sent two soldiers to try to join the British lines. New developments being produced a little later he decided to inform himself the Allied Command, and left with a guide in full day, trying to cross the German lines. Being run up against an organized position, he tried to avoid it. Discovered, he decided to clear a passage by shots. Wounded during this attack and chased by the enemy, he lost the distance; about to be joined, he refused to surrender. He held the enemy in respect until the moment when, emptying his last charger, he fell, reaches by a gust of machine-gun in full heart. |
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LOX Jean, 3068, Pvt - September, 10, 1944 in Samrée-Bois-Saint-Jean (Belgium)
Has shown in fire an exemplary courage. Parachuted behind the enemy lines in the Belgian Ardennes, September 5, 1944. He behaves brilliantly in all the hands in which he takes part. September 10, his group was attacked by much higher enemy forces numbers, and supported by armoured vehicles. During this engagement, Lox's section accepted for mission of reinforcing a group of the Secret Army (resistance) pressed by the enemy, and who weakened. Lox was for these men of the resistance an inspiration and an example. During a daring movement, whereas, by his aggressive heat, he involved his comrades in the attack of an enemy machine-gun position, he fell mortally wounded, refused to be let evacuate, and continued to make the shot until the moment when a gust of machine-gun killed him. |
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MELSENS Jean, 0630, Sgt - September, 10, 1944 in MEEUWEN (Belgium)
Warrant officer of a great courage. Parachuted behind the enemy lines in Normandy, August 8, 1944, takes part brilliantly in the operations of harassing the enemy in retreat. Hardly returned to England, on September 5, 1944 with his chief Lieutenant Limbosch, he is parachuted behind the enemy lines in Belgian Limbourg. After the death of his chief, he took the command, it appears he is an enthusiastic and decided leader, always ready for the most difficult tasks. His combat group having seen his retreat cut by an artillery battery taking position, he attacked the enemy by surprise and managed to emerge after a short and violent fight during which Sergeant Melsens was killed, his corporal wounded, and, according to the later testimonies of civilians, the enemy lost 52 dead and an unspecified number of casualties. |
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RENKIN Paul, 9370, Lt - December, 31, 1944 in BURE (Belgium)
At the time of the Battle of Bure, carried out brilliamently, with his section of half-armoured vehicles, reconnaissance patrols which were entrusted to him. 31 December 1944, incharge to protect a division rising to the attack of the village of Bure. Having discovered an enemy anti-tank gun position, he decided to attack it. he engaged boldly his vehicles in a discovered area and, by a skilful movement, managed to take the enemy position under the fire of his sixteen machine-guns, reducing it to silence. Abruptly, an other ennemy battery had been just revealed, he calmly gave orders to release his group. He left the places the last, when he had his vehicle reached by a shell. He was killed with both his soldiers. This officer was already awarded in the Army Orders for his participation in the operations in the Ardennes in August-September 1944, and has received the Military Cross 1940 with palm. |
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de VILLERMONT Claude, 3556, Pvt - December, 31, 1944 in BURE (Belgium)
Driver-machine gunner in Lieutenant Renkin's team. Has brilliamently behaved in the Battle of Bure, during offensive patrols with armoured vehicles. December 31, 1944, having attacked with his group a German anti-tank position, he contributed to reduce it to silence, by pushing his vehicle close to the enemy, and by engaging it by a violent and precise shooting. Taken by another anti-tank battery, he was reached by a shell and was killed. Was already awarded in the Regiment Orders for his beautiful control during the operations in the Ardennes in August-September 1944 and received the Military Cross 1940 with palm. |
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LORPHEVRE Emile, 2502, Pvt - December, 31, 1944 in BURE (Belgique)
Machine gunner in the Lieutenant Renkin's team, behaved, in the Battle of Bure, in December 1944, with his usual bravery, for which he was already awarded in the Regiment Orders and had received the Military Cross. December 31, 1944, whereas his section of 4 armoured vehicles was placed as mobile flank-guard of an airborne division going up to the attack of the village of Bure, an enemy anti-tank gun was detected. Lorphèvre, with perfect mistaken of the danger, went by foot make a reconnaissance until immediate proximity of the enemy, on whom he opened fire in order to indicate his section the ennemy position. The enemy having been destroyed, Lorphèvre came back to his vehicle, when a new anti-tank battery was detected by a high-explosive shell shooting. Lorphèvre had just opened on the enemy the fire of his machine-guns, when a shell reached his vehicle and killed him and both his comrades. This soldier was a splendid example. |
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ROLIN Philippe, 5761, Sgt - April, 12, 1945 in VEELE (Holland)
Volunteer of Africa came back in Europe in order to be able to carry out his desire to fight the enemy, Sergeant Rolin had all qualities of a chief, which was worth the honor to him to exert in combat several functions normally devoted for an officer. On the head of an attack section, he had known communicate to his men, moral and a combattive heat without equal. At the time of the attack of the bridge of Veele, April 12, 1945, he had received for mission to reach southern bank of the channel, then to extend towards the East to widen the base of the bridgehead and to ensure the secutity, towards the East. In spite of a heavy and precise fire, Sergeant Rolin led his section to the attack of the enemy positions from which the elements were firmly cut off in farms and shelters. Wounded on the head by an enemy sniper and losing blood, he was made bandage summarily on the spot without lose the control of his section and immediately took again the progression under an enemy fire which increased in intensity. Reached little later by two bullets in the belly, he fell mortally wounded. He was let evacuate only after having called him his second and to have passed him the command. During his transport towards the rescue post, he was again reached by two bullets. He died a few hours later. |
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BREUER Jean, 9074, Pvt - April, 12, 1945 in VEELE (Holland)
Parachutist fullfil of energy, was one of the best elements of the Sergeant Rolin's attack section, with which he went up to the attack of the bridge of Veele on April 12, 1945. His section had contributed to reduce all enemy resistance, to the south of the Channel and was going to terminate his mission when Breuer fell, at the same time as his chief, mortally reached by the enemy bullet of snipers. He will die on April 14, 1945. |
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WATHELET Joseph, 9108, Pvt - April, 15, 1945 in FINSTERWOLDE (Holland)
Parachutist, member of the "Assault Troop" of the 1st Squadron, he had already been characterized by his courage during combats with his unit during the Campaign of Holland, during the progression of Coeverden towards the sea. April 15, 1945, at 23.00 Hr, his Troop having received for mission to occupate, per black night, advanced positions in contact with the enemy on the North of Finsterwulden. Wathelet was in charge with a comrade to occupy a anti-tank position. He had joined the indicated position when his comrade was surprised by a German patrol. Wathelet precipitated, and put in escape the ennemies after having killed one of them. This courageous intervention having shown his presence exposed him to the blows of the enemy in retreat and cost him his life. By his bold action, he saved the life of his comrade and undoubtedly stopped an enemy raid directed against his Troop. |
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DEVIGNEZ Denis, 9801, Lt - April, 15, 1945 in BEERTA (Holland)
Mortally wounded in Beerta, April 15, 1945, by a schrapnell. Element of very first order, this officer who fulfilled in this time the functions of Squadron Quartermaster-sergeant, had already been seriously wounded during an operational jump, behind the enemy lines in France, August 1944. In spite of that, he insisted to take again active service after his exit of the hospital and was volunteer for all the dangerous patrols. April 15, the 1st Squadron had just begun to take the Germans the village of Beerta after a battlestreet for two hour when he was submitted in the village to a violent shooting of precise artillery prohibiting any movement in advance or of retreat. He had just made return under cover the last of his men when he was mortally wounded. He died on April 17 of the continuations of his wounds |
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BECHET Albert, 9136, Pvt - Tombé le 28 avril 1945 à WESTERSCHEPS (GE)
Member of the "Assault Engineers Troop", was characterized by his heat to be present for all the dangerous missions entrusted to his group. April 28, 1945, in the North of Westerscheps (Oldenburg), the progression of the 2nd Squadron was blocked by many obstacles barring the road (road blocks) mined and beaten by enemy's fires. Bechet, belonging to one of the teams of the Engineers sent in reinforcement in order to take obstacles by storm and to ensure the mine clearance of it. It is by ensuring this mission, whereas, with perfect mistaken of the shooting of the adversary, he handled the mine detector, that he was mortally reached by a bomb of mortar. |
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RUSCART Paul, 5828, Pvt - May, 1, 1945 in WILHEMSHAVEN (Germany)
Parachutist in the "Assault Engineers Troop", made proof in all circumstances of a notch and an enthusiasm worthy of praises during the Campaigns of Holland and Germany in April 1945. After the hard progression, obstacle after obstacle in the North of Weterscheps (Oldenburg), he took part in the catch of Godenholt, where he fell mortally wounded by a shell, May 1, 1945 and succumbed the 2nd of his wounds. |
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HAZARD Etienne, 9090, Pvt - Wounded on April,12, 1945, deceased on August, 27, 1945 in VEELE (Holland)
Member of Sergeant Rolin's attack section, was characterized by his courage, his aggressive heat and his abnegation. During the hard combat of Veele on April 12, 1945, his chief having been reached by a bullet in the head, Hazard voluntarily went to bring back the casualty under fire. This last was reached again by two bullets during his transfer to the back, but Hazard carried on calmly. Having given the casualty to the rescue post of 1st line, he went up immediately on the combat, and hardly had just opened fire on the enemy, when he collapsed, seriously wounded by a bullet in the lung. He died of the continuations of his wounds on August 27, 1945. |
Fallen out of fight
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DEPAUW Florent, 3434, Pvt - Died on training on April, 19, 1943 in WITHINGTON (GB)
Very brave soldier. Escape from Belgium to try to still serve his Country. After several difficulties, finally joined the Belgian Forces in Great Britain and joined the Belgian Parachutist Company where he shows a great courage and a beautiful spirit of sacrifice. Died in training, April 19, 1943. |
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BATAILLE Etienne, 3427, Pvt - Died on training on April, 19, 1943 in WITHINGTON (GB)
Soldier of great merit. Escaped from Belgium. After a 22 months trip through France and Algeria, succeeded in joining the Belgian Forces in Great Britain showing a great courage and an enthousiasm in order to continue the fight against the enemies. Engaged in the Belgian Parachutist Company, he showed there the most beautiful qualities of discipline and abnegation. Died during in training, April 19, 1943. |
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MATHIJS Charles, 9422, Lt - Died on training on March, 4, 1945 in HECHTEL (Belgium)
Volunteer of the first hour in the Ground Forces in Great Britain, he participated in the creation of the Parachutist Unit. left brilliantly the Training Center for Officers (OCTU) where he appeared an ideal chef by his knowledge, his spirit and noble-heartedness and great interest whom he carried to his men. Parachuted in France behind the German lines in July 1944 with a combat group, he took part initially brilliantly in the operations of harassing against the enemy in retreat. Placed then at the disposal of British Service I.S.9 (WEA), he contributed to make pass into the friend lines more than 300 allied aviators escaped prisoners and was seen congratulating for his action. He was parachuted once again behind the enemy lines on September 1, 1944 in the Belgian Ardennes with the officer delegated to the Commander of zone 5 by SAS Brigade, and made the connection between this organization and SAS Belgian Units operating in the Ardennes. In December 1944-January 1945, he took part in the Ardennes in the combat which supported his unit during the offensive Von Rundstedt. Passionately attached to his unit, this officer had devoted all his energies for the training of young people. He is in the performance of these significant duties, during operations with real fires that he fell, mortally reached by a rebound, in the North of Leopoldsburg, March 4, 1945. |
POLYS Nicolas, 9135, Pvt - Died on training on March, 10, 1945 in WARRINGTON (GB)
Young and enthusiastic soldier. Being taken for the obligatory work, he hid in the Ardennes since 1941 and joined the forces of resistance where he showed all his harrasing activities of the ennemies. Released on September 9, 1944, he was used as guide for an American unit. he has joined the Parachutist Unit on December 12, 1944 and took part with heat in the training. Joined the Parachutist Training Center in England where he died following an unhappy landing, March 10, 1945. |
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HOLVOET Raymond, 2478, Cpl - Captured and shot by ennemy on April, 10, 1945 in ZWOLLE (Holland)
Joined the unit at the beginning. He agreed to leave for a special parachuted mission, in enemy territory. Returned to Great Britain, he was parachuted once again in France, with British First SAS in August 1944 and fullfilled remarkably his task. Hardly returned, after six weeks of operation behind the enemy lines, he went once again like volunteer for a particularly dangerous mission, in connection with the airborne attack of Arnhem. His natural courage and his intelligence, his value as parachutist in combat joined to the excellence of his training, made an element of first order. He was captured in December 1944 and fell under the balls from an enemy firing squad on 10 April 1945, whereas he was going to be released by his unit, to the avant-garde from the allied troops releasing North from Holland. During his long captivity, he refused, in spite of tortures, to reveal anything with his interrogative. |